Recurring Nightmare
This project focuses on the development of gameplay and mechanics, based on a concept. In other words, the primary focus here is on designing the gam-play mechanics and rules that shape the player's experience within the game based on the theme. Rather than concentrating on visual aesthetics, narrative, or other aspects, the core of the game revolves around bringing the game's concept to life. For this project the main concept explored is that of the seven deadly sins.

The player experiences that they are stuck in a recurring nightmare, and in order to wake up, they must go through every room of the strange building which looks like a museum.
Soon it becomes evident that each and every room is riddled with puzzles and traps that relate to the seven deadly sins. The player must overcome all the seven deadly sins through these encounters to escape this recurring nightmare they are stuck in.
Level Layout

The layout of the level is based on a museum filled with bizarre objects.
Narrative is based on the idea of a recurring nightmare.
The gameplay is based on puzzle based gameplay with the underling concept of seven deadly sins.
The gameplay by the end (level based on wrath) changes to first person shooter based game.
Three Cs’ (Camera, Character, Controls):
Camera: Third-person camera
Character: Third-person character
WASD, arrow keys for movement
E, left mouse button to interact
Start to End:
The player wakes up in an empty room with no windows but just one single door.
Soon with the gameplay the player realizes that they are stuck in a dream cycle and need to make choices in order to finally be ‘awake’.
Encounter 1: Pride & Gluttony

Player starts with a decision with a very possible outcome of immediate death which sets the story and mood of the game.
Health pickup, damage actor are introduced.
The puzzles are not logic based but rather concept based.
Encounter 1 is divided into two main areas. The first is a completely empty room where the player is spawned. Cinematic sequence sets the plot that the player is stuck in a dream and in order to wake up they have to conquer all of their seven deadly sins.
The first encounter deals with ‘Pride’ and ‘Gluttony’.
Primary shape static meshes
SFXs for door open and close
Basic door mesh
Key mesh
Health pickup mesh (fruit))
Damage actor mesh (spikes)
Moving platform
SFXs for moving platform, health pickup, spike, key pickup, respawn

Encounter 2: Sloth & Greed

Player will make decisions that will impact the final boss fight.
Weapon is introduced.
Another character is introduced in the main arena.
Player interacts with door, health pickup, spikes, laser beams.
Encounter 2 is divided into two main areas. The first is a corridor where the player must dodge laser beams while moving very slowly. Second area introduces the enemy; provides with the choice of weapon which will influence the end game.
The encounter is based on ‘sloth’, and ‘greed’.
Laser beam
Door: mesh, SFX
Health pickup mesh (fruit)
Damage actor mesh (spikes)
Elevator mesh
Materials and texture (glass)
Weapon mesh for Mega laser beam
Character mesh for bad guy
SFXs for Laser beam, weapons, elevator moving, pickups, respawn

Encounter 3: Wrath & Envy

The player fights with the ‘Bad Guy’ with the chosen weapon. It is not a combat, but stealth fight. The Bad guy and the player damage each other by projectile shooting.
The goal is not to kill the bad guy but to decrease health of the bad guy to the point he surrenders
The encounter is based on ‘envy’ and ‘Wrath’.
Laser beam
Door: mesh, SFX
Health pickup mesh (fruit)
Damage actor mesh (spikes)
Elevator mesh
Materials and texture (glass)
Weapon mesh for Mega laser beam
Character mesh for bad guy
SFXs for Laser beam, weapons, elevator moving, pickups, respawn